Sunday, 5 December 2010

A fun night

I was at a small house party the other night, celebrating the birthdays of two of my friends, S & P. It was fun.

It was quite hard for me to concentrate on any one specific sound as there was music playing, lots of conversation and also noises coming from someone's iPad. But it was fun. The atmosphere was good and I could make out some conversations close to me.

At one point we played pass-the-parcel. That was hilarious. Inside each layer there was a task that the person opening it had to complete. The only problem for me was that I couldn't hear whether the music was playing or not. So one of my friends, J, said she'd signal to me when the music stopped.

So the parcel went round and round, and then the guy next to me won't take it. I look up only to realise that my friend was signalling that the music had stopped. Whoops!

It was a very fun evening.

Then on the walk back to my house, I had an impromptu snowball fight with my housemate (I was wearing my purple hat).

Sure, I probably missed out on a few conversation or whatever, but I enjoyed myself.

Deaf Girl

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